Take artisan toast to top of mind

From locally sourced ingredients to the latest flavor trends, artisan toast is classic comfort food that’s quickly becoming an easy and delicious way to carry a spectrum of ingredients across the menu. Fresh, indulgent, or health-focused, use our Top Toast recipe inspiration to easily play to the tastes of your customers, using on-hand ingredients.

Whether it's sea salt, goat cheese, or the new classic avocado toast, customers expect premium ingredients and toppings on their slice of toast. While traditionally a breakfast offering, fancy toast can be added to lunch and dinner menus as well. There's not a single time of day where pieces of toast are not appropriate.

And Euro-Bake's artisanal breads are the best canvas for creating your toast masterpiece. We've created a campaign demonstrating the value of using premium breads on your menu to improve customer satisfaction, increase social media visibility, and ulitmately boost your bottom line.

Toast Recipes

Get inspired by Top Toast recipes to satisfy your customers.

Toast Recipes

The many sides of toast

Take advantage of a rising trend with ideas for limited time offers that feature tempting flavor combinations and, naturally, the best breads. Build your menu, and your bottom line, with Euro-Bake breads and Top Toast inspiration.

View the brochure

Our Top Toasts:

Three Cheese Asiago Loaf

EuroBake, 7660

Three Olive Herb de Provence Loaf

EuroBake, 7690

Swiss Muesli Loaf

EuroBake, 7692

Sprouted Grain Loaf

EuroBake, 7648


Our Products

Discover our wide range of quality breads, including dinner rolls, burger buns, demi loaves, and more.

Our Inspiration

See our collection of recipes for gourmet burgers, top toasts, snacks and sandwiches! 

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